The Golden Age

The present age of humanity is waking to the understanding that there is much more to life than can be explained by the spiritual leaders of the world. There is something that lies deep within each person that yearns to express itself. That something is soul. To know the new Golden Age, it is imperative to understand the relationship between soul and spirit. Everything that exists is made up of spirit. Spirit is the very life force that energizes and allows life to be expressed. There are many qualities of spirit, and one quality is that life lived is perpetuated through spirit. The fundamental source that will create the new Golden Age is the life that each soul chooses to live. There is much that must be learned and realized so that soul can experience its natural expression. Soul yearns for the freedom of its own creative nature to manifest in living life.

There is much talk of a Golden Age but little is actually known. The Golden Age represents life expressing and expanding, life is continuously increasing. Our Dark Age is dying because so little life is expressed. People are bogged down with media distractions and pressure to keep up with the Jones. People seek technology to constantly stimulate themselves. On the other extreme, life in the Golden Age is limitless. To understand the Golden Age it is necessary to explain the life that is presently manifesting within our own Dark Age. Contrasting the difference between the Dark and Golden Age will provide a better understanding.

In this present age, people have abdicated responsibility for their lives to that outside of themselves. People have allowed the world to dictate what their reality is and what is socially acceptable. Life has become a reaction. There’s very little of personal initiative outside of the approval of those to whom people abdicate their personal authority. Those in authority create social norms through mass media. The social norms that exist today are because the masses support and are in agreement with them. Our world today is the result of the desires and conditioning of our civilization.

In contrast of our present Dark Age, the Golden Age is different because it is the result of life lived from the true divine nature that lies within. In the Golden Age life is expressed from soul’s point of view. Soul is free to express its individual creative quality that adds to the life around it. There is no right or wrong but the abiding principal of beneficial and detrimental. There will be no fear of not belonging or fitting in. Nobody will be ostracized or ridiculed. There will not be issues of hunger and homelessness. There will be no competitive up-man-ship. The Golden Age comes about as the result of the life coming from within, as the divine self, being expressed outwardly.

Everything we see in today’s world is made up of spiritual stuff. The beauty of spirit is that it wants to give soul all it can. It is up to soul to have the initiative to live the life that is natural and true. Soul realizes it is so much more than the body. As more and more people start to live life from within, the new golden Age will manifest, by outgrowing this present world. This will only be realized through the soul’s living from within, and expressing its self from this place, and the Golden Age is that result. This is a law of spirit.

Each individual is responsible to live their own life. Spirit is right here to help bring this into realization. Each Soul has an innate yearning to live life from within in its own unique creative nature. The Golden Age is the place meant for this to manifest.

1 Comment on “The Golden Age

  1. i have contacted you before and you have been very informative in your answers for this i’m very grateful.
    a question that i have at this time is can you please put me in contact with a master who can teach and protect me because soon i want to learn soul travel so that i can receive my 2nd initiation?

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