The Law of Mercy

One of the most important aspects of soul’s journey is its relationship with the many natures of spirit. One of these natures, and perhaps the most important for soul, is the nature of mercy.

Mercy is often understood as having forgiveness for another, but mercy is actually the very law that allows all life to exist. Because of the Law of Mercy, soul is able to choose its expression and have freedom to express it. While many choices bring consequences, it is the very act of making choices through which soul learns. Soul eventually learns what is beneficial and detrimental for itself and others. It is because of this that soul is able to mature and become more. Mercy doesn’t give soul unconditional freedom without the consequences that go with it. Soul must not only have the freedom to fall and get up, but it must continue to have the opportunity to perpetuate the life it is living. This is an expression of the Law of Mercy. Soul can make mistakes and learn without it being the end of itself.

The wonderful aspect of the Law of Mercy is that it allows all life the freedom to express itself. There is an abundance of life and room for everything.